Oprah Show Reviews

I\’m a Forty-Something, Female Hypnotist In Southern California. I Will Review Oprah\’s Shows – Not All, Just The Ones That Impress Me Most.

Oprah’s Weight Goals 2009

Dear Reader,
Thanks for coming around. Forgive me for being absent for too long, but I’m back again. My new year resolution is to get back to the gym on a regular, 6 day a week basis.
Oprah’s Falling Off the Wagon show this past Monday got my juices flowing. The show focused on her struggles with her illness-related 40 lb weight gain. Her acute insight and frankness made the show riveting for me. It’s not often she talks about her deepest insecurities, and personal issues. You could see in her face that she wasn’t entirely comfortable admitting she has these self-doubts, and that made her sharing more of a gift.
At one point she reflected back on a show where she featured Cher and Tina Turner and with hurt flashing in her eyes she unfavorably compared her plus-size body to their older but fitter ones. She admitted that she’d been sticking to head shots for her O magazine covers. As they showed the covers as examples of how she’d been ducking from showing her rounder shape I think I even saw one cover of a child. Had she resorted to using childhood pics? I don’t know for sure, but she is the only cover girl for her rag, and I am pretty sure I caught a glimpse of one cover that had a little girl on it. I don’t normally buy the magazine but I imagine she made it relevant and scored by talking about childhood stuff.
She reminisced about when she had been gorgeously hard-bodied. In one clip from the past she’s wearing a short shirt which shoes off her flat, tight belly and she’s glowing with joy and pride! She’s laughing and says something like, “Look at me I’m fifty and showing off my belly!”  She recalls fondly her stunning cover girl days, then gets present and says sadly, “I thought I had it – and then life happened.”
Anyway, I can totally relate to her self-dissatisfaction with her weight gain. I, too have had a weight gain of 40 lbs over the past 2 years. My weight gain also was influenced by an illness. Ten years ago I lost 200 lbs. Up to two years ago I was very fit – going to the gym 6 days a week, eating very little junk food. I was at my peak, and then to quote Oprah, “I thought I had it, and then life happened.”
What happened to me was a deadly jacuzzi-bacteria blood infection. It impaired my immune system and caused all sorts of debilities rendering me unfit for strenuous gym workouts. My lack of exercise showed up on the scale. I’m healthier now, and realizing I need to get back to the gym, but I also know my limitations. I had been trying to start back up where I’d left off, and I finally get that that’s not going to happen. At least not without probable injury. I have to start slowly and build into a new, powerful routine.
What happened to Oprah? Apparently she had become Vitamin D deficient which probably contributed to a thyroid condition. The thyroid illness affected negatively her metabolism and energy levels. The thyroid condition took a toll on her exercise regimen and caused frustration and despair. Oprah then fell into that bad conversation many of us are familiar with called “What’s the use?” and ate like there was no hope. The added calories and lack of exercise led to a depressing weight gain of 40 lbs.  
Now, if you know me, you know I have been harping or should I say Harpoing  (sorry, that was bad) about how many of us ARE vitamin D deficient which can lead to all kinds of nasty little disorders. Think about this – we have all become so scared of the sunshine we avoid it, and yet skin cancer is on the rise. What’s up with that? As a result we have become a nation of vitamin D deficient sun-avoiders.  I myself am supplementing with a delicious liquid vitamin D that is based in concord grape juice. And I try to get all the sunlight I can. I love getting my D.
Anyway, back to Oprah. The bottom line is her 90 lb weight loss success can still be considered a major accomplishment. Keep in mind she has managed to keep 50 or so lbs off!! For like 10 years – maybe more!! That in itself is incredible. In fact, anyone who knows about weight loss success knows it frequently happens that way – lose 100 lbs, regain fifty. Lose fifty, regain 20. Lose 20, regain 5 – and that’s perfectly typical. Time, and persistence are definite factors in achieving weight loss mastery.
Especially since LIFE does have a way of getting in the mix. The important way to remain being is persistent and conscious. I wish I could talk to her about using hypnosis to make this weight loss effort more fun, more conscious, and more effective. More on that in the next edition. Coming soon. 
For more information on the episode and her striving visit her website: Oprah.com
Till later!
Gina Fox, CHT
FOX Hypnosis / Hypnosis Training International
120 West Grand Avenue, Suite # 204
Escondido, California 92025
(760) 233-8800


“Time is a created thing. To say ‘I don’t have time,’ is like saying, ‘I don’t want to.”

Palin’s Police Force Charged Women for “Rape Kits”

Under Mayor Palin, Wasilla police department was charging women between $500.00 -$1200.00 for “rape kits” used to collect evidence. What the fuck? They didn’t charge burglarized folks for “fingerprinting kits”!

Click on the link for full story. http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/election2008/2008-09-10-rape-exams_N.htm
Finished reading the story? Go to your memory banks and file under disgusting, appalling, horrific, misogynistic, just plain wrong.

McCain not a Real Maverick Afterall

Did you know that there is a Maverick Family from which originates the term, maverick – as in a person not being branded by another!!  FYI – apparently, it was a Maverick who also came up with the term, Gobbledygook.
Click on the link above to learn something about how The real Mavericks feel about McCain and Palin using the term maverick to describe their political natures.
Excerpt from article:
“I’m just enraged that McCain calls himself a maverick,” said Terrellita Maverick, 82, a San Antonio native who proudly carries the name of a family that has been known for its progressive politics since the 1600s, when an early ancestor in Boston got into trouble with the law over his agitation for the rights of indentured servants.
Considering the family’s long history of association with liberalism and progressive ideals, it should come as no surprise that Ms. Maverick insists that John McCain, who has voted so often with his party, “is in no way a maverick, in uppercase or lowercase.”

“It’s just incredible — the nerve! — to suggest that he’s not part of that Republican herd. Every time we hear it, all my children and I and all my family shrink a little and say, ‘Oh, my God, he said it again.’ ”

“He’s a Republican,” she said. “He’s branded.”

Sarah, please drop out now.

Since Hillary dropped out of the race I’ve been speechless. Regardless, after seeing this video of the Sarah Palin/Katey Couric interview , I had to pass it along. Check it out.
Check out CNN’s Jack Cafferty’s view on the interview:
Like many beautiful women, Sarah Palin has gotten far on her looks. She is obviously still just an aspiring beauty queen answering important political questions just the way a Miss America hopeful – not even a particularly smart one but rather a dimwitted one at that – might answer. 
McCain would fare better dropping Palin and asking say, Huckabee to run with him.
Hillary, come back.

Sophie Goes To Heaven!

As some of you may sadly know, last month, Oprah lost her beautiful baby, Sophie. I just saw this youtube memorial to Sophie. Watch it reverently, and have tissues available. Wow, beautiful tribute. What Oprah has to be grateful for are the many years of love she dedicated to this deserving pooch, and that’s all we can do for our precious dog-children. Sophie lived a loving, adored, cared for, pretty normal, best possible lifespan – what more can anyone ask for!!
We love you, Oprah!

Clinton Releases Tax Returns! Proof Of Her Extraordinary Strength of Character!



(CNN) — Hillary Clinton released her tax returns for the years 2000 to 2006 late Friday afternoon, ending weeks of speculation over her delay in making them public.

“The Clintons have now made public thirty years of tax returns, a record matched by few people in public service,” spokesman Jay Carson said in a statement. “None of Hillary Clinton’s presidential opponents have revealed anything close to this amount of personal financial information.”

The campaign said the records showed Bill and Hillary Clinton had paid more than $33.7 million in federal taxes on a joint income of $109 million and donated $10.2 million to charities over the past eight years.

The New York senator had initially said that she would not release them unless she was the Democratic nominee. But at a debate shortly before the March 4 primaries, she said she would consider releasing them “even earlier,” though she did not name a precise date.


“I will certainly work toward releasing them, and we will get that done and in the public domain,” said Clinton.

Later, she pledged to release the documents by this year’s April 15 tax filing deadline. But ten days ago, following Obama’s decision to release his tax returns of this decade, and attacks from his campaign over Clinton’s delay in making her own public, she announced that she would release the returns within the week.

The Obama campaign’s criticism centered on Clinton’s decision to lend her campaign $5 million earlier this year, along with former President Bill Clinton’s $20 million payout from supermarket holding company Yucaipa.

In conference calls with reporters, Clinton campaign spokesman Howard Wolfson accused the Obama campaign of unfounded negative attacks over the delay, noting that there were “20 years of Clinton tax returns in the public record.”

The tax returns are the second of three batches of documents Clinton has come under pressure to release. Her scheduling records that date to her time as First Lady were released late last month. The list of major donors to the Clinton Presidential Library has yet to be released.

(Full statement below; complete returns are available here.)

Read the rest of this entry »

Walmart drops Lawsuit! That’s good News!

  Wal-Mart Drops


  Over Health-Care Reimbursement

Associated Press
April 1, 2008 6:46 p.m.

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is dropping a controversial effort to collect over $400,000 in health-care reimbursement from a former employee who is confined to a southeast Missouri nursing home since she suffered brain damage in a traffic accident.

The world’s largest retailer said Tuesday in a letter to the family of Deborah Shank it will not seek to collect money the Shanks won in an injury lawsuit against a trucking company for the accident.

Wal-Mart’s top executive for human resources, Pat Curran, wrote that Ms. Shank’s extraordinary situation had made the company re-examine its stance. Wal-Mart has been roundly criticized in newspaper editorials, on cable news shows and by its union foes for its claim to the funds, which it made in a lawsuit upheld by a federal appeals court.

Insurance experts say it is increasingly common for health plans to seek reimbursement for the medical expenses they paid for someone’s treatment if the person also collects damages in an injury suit. The practice, called “subrogation,” has increased since a 2006 Supreme Court ruling that eased it.

Wal-Mart’s Ms. Curran said the retailer was required by the rules of its plan to seek reimbursement from the Shank’s settlement. But she said the case has made Wal-Mart revise those rules to allow for flexibility in individual cases. “Occasionally others help us step back and look at a situation in a different way. This is one of those times,” Ms. Curran wrote in the letter.

Ms. Shank, 52, lost much of her memory and ability to communicate or walk in a crash between her minivan and a tractor trailer in May 2000. Her family sued the trucking company and won $700,000. Court records show that after attorney’s fees and costs, the remaining $417,477 from the settlement went into a trust to care for Ms. Shank. The fund now has about $270,000, the family said.

Ms. Shanks’ health insurance was through Wal-Mart, where she worked nights stocking shelves. After the Shanks won their lawsuit, Wal-Mart sued the Shank family to recover medical costs totaling about $470,000.

Wal-Mart won its case and subsequent appeals by the Shanks that went as far as the Supreme Court, which closed legal avenues this month by declining to hear the case.

The case put a spotlight on the growing use of reimbursement claims by health plans, experts say. Roger Baron, professor of law at the University of South Dakota and a specialist in health-plan law, said health plans have become “very aggressive” about subrogation since the 2006 Supreme Court decision.

“It’s free money. They want the free money,” Mr. Baron said.

Lynn Dudley, vice president for policy at the American Benefits Council in Washington, D.C., said the negative publicity around the case was beginning to draw the attention of lawmakers who might want legislation to stop or limit subrogation.

Mr. Baron said Wal-Mart’s size — it is the nation’s largest nongovernment employer, with over 1.3 million workers — means that its willingness to compromise in an individual case may have a wider impact on reimbursement practices by other health plans. “I’m so pleased to see an element of reason because so much of this subrogation has been about just blindly going after the money,” Mr. Baron said


Novelist ANNE RICE Officially Endorses Hillary for President!

     More smart women endorsing smart women: Brilliant Novelist Anne Rice endorses Hillary – check it out!

Analyzing The Obama Movement

     Do we really want a  man named Obama for President? Or are we somehow compensating for not catching Osama? Ponder it…If I were a martian looking down at this 2008 electcion I’d be shaking my head in wonderment. If Freud is looking down at us from some heavenly cloud, he must be laughing -saying to himself, “talk about unconscious motivations…” I wish Carl Jung were here to report. This is the stuff of Dr. Seuss tales. 

Seriously, maybe we hate Bush so much that we want Obama to lead our nation, like saying, “See there Bush, Osama won after all.”

The Obama Fans pride themselves on being for CHANGE and yet if change were truly what they wanted, they’d vote for the ULTIMATE change – a woman.   I’ve heard people ask, “Are we ready for a black president?” “As long as he has a penis,” should be the answer.

It’s a sad state of affairs for women. We’ve not come as long a way as we’d like to believe. I remember learning something quite unbelieveable to me (then, anyways) in a psych class. My gray-bearded, womanizing professor said, “I pity  women for they are the most hated of all – men hate women and women hate women. ” I am so disgusted.

Watching The View this past week brought that college memory to the forefront of my thinking…someone said, “White men HATE Hillary.” 

It’s really nice to know we’re ready for a black pres. but why does it have to be one that’s so GREEN? Obama is inexperienced, and unoriginal. The only confidence he exudes has come from hanging off of  Oprah’s skirt.

I, for one, am sick of men ruining this country with their warrior mentalities, and egoistic dicks.  I’m ready for real change – Hillary. She’s not perfect, but she’s solid, committed, experienced, and who can heal better than mommy. Lord knows, WE NEED A HEALING!

George Washington was Father of our country – we’re ready to make Hillary Mother of our country! Amen, and Amen!

Maya Angelou Powerfully Supports Hillary!

     Amazing women in support of amazing women!
Watch Maya Angelou eloquently support Hillary for President!
Click on this link:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vxc_cT9quWw&feature=related