Oprah Show Reviews

I\’m a Forty-Something, Female Hypnotist In Southern California. I Will Review Oprah\’s Shows – Not All, Just The Ones That Impress Me Most.

Archive for Vote

Maya Angelou Powerfully Supports Hillary!

     Amazing women in support of amazing women!
Watch Maya Angelou eloquently support Hillary for President!
Click on this link:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vxc_cT9quWw&feature=related

My Vote Is For Hillary. Here’s why…

     We’ll get CHANGE with Hillary as well as with Obama, but I’d say Hillary’s strong point is her Experience, while Barak’s strong point is Oprah’s popularity. Now I love Oprah as much as the next guy, but come on…  

Our country is in big trouble. We’re in a war that doesn’t make sense. Our economy is droopy – and that’s an under-statement. Our dollar is so perversely undervalued that we dare not take our annual trip to Europe this year. I mean, even the Taj Mahal won’t accept our dollar – that’s how sad that is! We’ve been lied to by the government agencies that are in power – the presidency has taken czarist powers over the people.

We are a nation force-fed fear and hatred – each dealing with some degree of post-traumatic stress syndrome. You see it on our freeways, in our schools, in the tabloids, and at our borders.
The choices have come down to Obama, Clinton, John, and Mike. Here is how I feel about these choices, scariest to least scary…
  • John McCain – Oh my God. When I hear that man speak I have to hold back wet heaves. A vote for him is a vote for another 100 years in Iraq! Can you believe he actually said that!!!??? Sorry, but that is just plain ignorant. He may have been a great warrior back in the days when war was a “necessary” evil, but in today’s world where technology enables infinite possibilities for diplomatic solutions, he’s a dinosaur looking for fresh blood. Like a scratched up Beatles record, he’s stuck in the 60’s. I’m sure he’s a good man at heart (even though he has a maniacal rude steak in him – refusing eye contact with/sneering at Mitt Romney during the debates was pretty hateful.) I’d say volunteering for patient advocacy at a Veterans Hospital would be a good fit for him – NOT the Presidency.
  • Barak Obama – The word “Plagiarism” comes to mind. Anyone who has studied Bill Clinton’s speaking mannerisms can see that so has Obama. I’m willing to bet he has a video library filled with Bill giving speeches. He tries so very hard to be the former president, it’s kind of offensive. Other than that, and the fact that he does steal speech ideas from other politicians – I think when he finally grows up and gets comfortable with his own authentic style, he will make a fine president . However, at this time he is way too green to fill the Presidential shoes. Especially, in these extreme low times we find ourselves in. People, please wake up. We all want CHANGE, but we have to be thoughtful about it. The pendulum has destructively swung far to the right and we want CHANGE, I know, but is it righting the wrong to swing the pendulum all the way to the other extreme?? It never is. We need to get balanced. Back to balance should be the keyword of this election. We’ll get CHANGE with Hillary as well as with Obama, but I’d say Hillary’s strong point is her Experience, while Barak’s strong point is Oprah’s popularity. Now I love Oprah as much as the next guy, but come on… I also really hate that his wife is extremely thoughtless: “For the first time I am finally proud of this country…” What the fuck???? Her true colors have been revealed. She is as much an asset to Obama as was John Kerry’s bird-brain wife.
  • Mike Huckabee – The guy is adorable, lovable, electable. I like Huckabee, too bad he’s had a slow comeuppance. I’d vote for him if I were republican. What are republicans thinking to vote McCain over Huckabee. Frightening to think that with everything that’s come out unjustifying the war on terror there are still so many war-mongers out there.
  • Hillary Clinton – I’m willing to bet that the people standing for Hillary are people who’ve watched and listened to the debates. I know this has to be true because Hillary’s plans, strengths, and wisdom far outweigh Obama’s stammering and circle-runarounds. Shit, I know people are voting for Obama because Oprah told her followers to vote for him and they are faithfully doing so. Look, I don’t think the country will go to hell in a handbasket if Obama wins, but it will be a much slower pace of healing our country than if Hillary wins. Let’s face facts, I have no problem with seeing Bill in the White House again. You see, when Bill was president, life was good. Damned good. Business was thriving – everyone’s phones were ringing off their hooks…Everyone had a hearty savings account, people made their mortgage payments on time, people were friendlier, freeways were cleaner, less road rage…Well, I don’t have the facts on those things but I do recall life seemed more secure. I, for one, don’t think 911 would’ve happened during Bill’s watch because the world LIKED us. Did foreign countrymen protest when Bill went to visit? No. They threw festivals. Hillary has good ideas, solid experience for making positive changes, and a husband who was one of the best Presidents we ever had as an asset. What could be better! As they say, “Two heads are better than one.” Seriously, times are really bad, and we need strong, courageous, proven leadership. I love Oprah – but I am not part of the Oprah herd. I think with my own brain.  Make sure you do too.